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Home Grown

Farmers Market and Pavilion

Farmers Market and Pavilion

For decades the Bardstown Farmers Market had enjoyed enthusiastic community support in spite of its somewhat nomadic existence. But with no permanent place to call home, Bardstown residents were sometimes left guessing when and where the next Market would occur.

The City of Bardstown decided to help boost community pride and spur local economic development efforts by selecting a permanent site for the Farmers Market in the heart of historic downtown. JRA was selected as the lead architect based on our deep experience in historic preservation and our work on similar civic-oriented projects. We worked closely with the city, the county and the local farmers’ association to ensure the Farmers Market attracted people from all sides of the community. The existing infrastructure required a great deal of precise reorganization to make it accessible to all community members, while meeting the strict criteria of the local historic review commission. The structure was designed to be an inviting and open space for the public and a monument to honor the historic setting it occupies.

Today the Farmers Market is an enduring landmark in the center of the community that Bardstown residents can permanently embrace.

Square footage

Bardstown, Kentucky

Historical Renovation

farmers-market-and-pavilion JRA farmers-market-and-pavilion JRA


Timothy Graviss, AIA, Vice President
Direct: 502.657.5992 | Main: 502.583.4697

Contact Tim

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